To-Go Party Package

Color Me Mine - Plano

<div><b><font size="5" color="#330066">Take the p</font><font size="5" color="#ff6600">ART</font><font size="5" color="#330066">y home!</font></b></div><div><font size="3"><b><font color="#330066"><br></font></b></font></div><div><div align="left"><font size="3">Our<b><font color="#ff6600"> To-Go Party </font></b>Package allows you to take the p<font color="#ff6600">ART</font>y home...or to any location! The package is great for kids/adult birthday parties, larger group events, and other party get together.&nbsp;</font></div><div align="left"><font size="3"><br></font></div><div align="left"><font size="4" color="#ff6600"><b>How it works:</b></font></div><div align="left"><div><ul><li><font size="3">After you have<b> placed an order for you&nbsp;</b><b>To-Go Party Package</b></font><font size="3">, with the <b>time and date that it will picked up</b>, we will then package everything up for you.</font></li><li><font size="3">When you come to pick it up you will <b>select your pottery for your party!</b> <br></font></li><ul><li align="left"><font size="3">Let a staff member know your <b>pottery budget</b> for each guest and they can help guide you as you choose their pieces.&nbsp;</font></li><ul><li align="left"><font size="3">Most of our pottery pieces range from $20 to $35. A budget of $25-$30 per guest provides a great selection to choose from!</font></li><li align="left"><font size="3">Feel free to also come by before your pick-up date and per-select items for your party and we will already have them packed at your pickup date!<br></font></li></ul></ul><li><font size="3">Once you have painted your work of art you can <b>drop them off along with the paint bottles. Then firing and packing process begins</b>! We will then <b>contact you in 2-3 weeks</b> when they are ready for pick up.</font></li></ul><div><div align="left"><font size="4" color="#ff6600"><b><br></b></font></div><div align="left"><font size="4" color="#ff6600"><b>What's included:</b></font></div><ul><li align="left"><font size="3"><span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif"><b>To-go Kits</b> for up to 20 painters, which includes:</span></font></li><ul><li align="left"><font size="3"><span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif">sponges, brushes, instructions and of course paints!<br></span></font></li></ul><li align="left"><font size="3">Ceramic pieces of your choice.<span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif"></span></font></li><li align="left"><font size="3"><span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif"><b>Our Party Colors (10 bottles)<br></b></span></font></li><li align="left"><font size="3">After your party the guest of honor will receive a&nbsp;<span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif"><b>VIP (Very Important Painter) Pass!</b></span> Our VIP pass lets the guest of honor paint with </font><font size="3"><span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif"><b>No Studio Fee and 10% off all bisque pottery for a year!</b></span></font></li></ul></div></div></div><div align="left"><div><font color="#ff6600"><br></font></div></div><div align="left"><font size="4" color="#ff6600"><b>Pricing:</b></font></div><ul><li align="left"><font size="3"><span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif"><b>$150 for the To-Go kits</b>, which you get to keep all the tools but the paint. All we ask is that you return the bottle of paints when you drop off your finished pottery.</span></font></li><li align="left"><font size="3"><span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif"><b>The cost of Pottery chosen day of pick-up + sales tax<br></b></span></font></li><ul><li align="left"><font size="3">This payment will be made the day of your To-Go Party pickup date.<br></font></li></ul><li align="left"><font size="3"><span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif">Add on an optional <b>commemorative party plate for $20</b>, which you can add on a check out!</span></font></li></ul><div><br></div><div align="left"><font size="4" color="#ff6600"><b>Additional Information:</b></font></div><ul><li align="left"><font size="3">All Bookings must be made <b>2 weeks in advance</b> so we can make sure we have your party packed and ready by the day of your Party pick-up.<br></font></li><li align="left"><font size="3">Our To-Go Party Package is limited to a <span style="color: rgb(98, 98, 98); font-family: pt-sans, sans-serif"><b>maximum of 20 guests for Online Booking. <br></b></span></font></li><ul><li align="left"><font size="3">If you would like to book for more people please give us a call at (214) 258-5525.</font></li></ul><li align="left"><font size="3">Please <b>read the instructions</b> provided in the kit carefully.</font></li><li align="left"><font size="3">For further questions please call us at (214) 258-5525.</font></li></ul></div><div><b><font size="5" color="#330066"><br></font></b></div><div><b><font size="5" color="#330066"><br></font></b></div>
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$% of the total will be collected at time of booking.

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Payment due upon appointment arrival.

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