1. Creative Canvas Class - Winter Moon Nov. 13$40.00
2. Torch Soldering 2: Ring Bands: April 7$50.00
3. Creative Canvas Class - Cardinal and Bittersweet Nov. 12 & 23$40.00
4. Creative Canvas Class - Let It Snow! Nov 27$40.00
5. Printing on Clay: Make a Hanging Planter$50.00
6. Printing on Clay: Handmade Earrings & Pendant: Dec 3$50.00
7. Metalsmithing Session with Jessica of Papavier - March 1$50.00
8. Intro to modern Calligraphy - level 1 - Feb 29$35.00
9. Soldered Earrings Workshop - Mar 22nd$40.00
10. Hand Lettering Basics - Feb 18th$25.00
11. Creative Canvas Class - A Little Please Nov. 20$40.00
12. Printing on Clay: Create a Modern Wall Vase: Dec 14$50.00